Fluid Precision: Liquid Meter Proving and Well Production Testing Excellence at PTW Taber Branch
Our Taber branch has been providing flow meter calibration services for more than 10 years, collaborating with oil and gas producers in providing ongoing assessments and confirmations regarding the fluid flow processes. These assessments consist of monitoring, measuring, and ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of fluid flow in various stages of production or industrial processes.
The team’s liquid meter proving services are not limited to oil and gas producers, having also provided meter verification, proofs, and master metering for agricultural, food processing, water treatment and freshwater management customers.
The branch’s meter services include, portable emulsion meter proving, truck unload metering station proving, water flood injection meter proving, portable water meter proofs and in-situ meter flow verifications. The branch also services electronic well-production data logging and GOR tests.
Taber’s proving team consist of skilled Journeyman Instrumentation Technicians with extensive measurement experience. Apprentice Technicians also work with our Journeymen to gain field experience and provide assistance to their more senior team members and all of our proving crews have additional support from our senior measurement staff.
For further information please contact:
Laryssa Lesinszki, Marketing and Communications Manager, PTW Energy Services
Tel: +1 403.247.5766; llesinszki@ptwenergy.com